Baldrick Boards
Boards as cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University
Meet the Family
An 8 port controller which pushes the boundaries of what's possible with a budget lighting controller.
Turns stuff on and off, what more could you want
The easiest way to bring DMX to xLights
Add advanced interactivity to your show with without any code or soldering!
We've may have gone a little overboard for the ELF Mini this year.
Not the most useful board we've created but it sure is fun!
Oh YES! we are very excited about 2025
Coming soon, We are still waiting for cousin to arrive.
You know that board you want us to make, this might be it!
Easy to Use
Designed from the very beginning to be easy to connect and get going.
Small and Mighty
With two board sizes and a maximum board footprint of just 117mm by 74mm, they are the little boards that can
Named after a genius
Baldrick is the ultimate sidekick, always there for an idea, someone to blame or even come up with a poem in a time of need